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I Am Not Enough On My Own

I've spent a LOT of time writing about my imperfections for the past 10+ years. It's something that weighs on me constantly, but has helped solidify my testimony in my Savior, Jesus Christ. Because of Him, my imperfections will not result in a loss of eternal blessings. Because of Him, I can become perfect EVENTUALLY - meaning, no more anxiety, no more awkwardness, no more shyness, no more health issues or worry that I'll pass out when medical issues are discussed. Just being WHOLE. I cannot wait. My imperfections remind me that I NEED a Savior - I am not enough on my own. I need His Atonement and His love to carry me forward. I need the knowledge and the hope that comes from the Plan of Happiness - that we will all die but then LIVE AGAIN.  And not just as we are now. Because of our Savior and His Atonement, we will be BETTER. PERFECT.  EXALTED. JUST LIKE GOD. How grateful I am for that knowledge.  One of the biggest lessons I've learned this past year in law school ad

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